Ditton Infant School

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Our Eco Code

Term 2 2024/25

November is 'Cut Your Carbon' month. The Eco Committee is challenging all children to take part by completing 6 simple actions at home with the help of their family and friends. Carbon is a greenhouse gas which is responsible for driving climate change and this month-long, carbon-cutting challenge helps to raise awareness and reduce carbon footprints. 
We have included your child's checklist which they can use to complete the challenges at home. Your child can complete as many of the challenges as they wish and they do not need to complete all of them in order to take part. Please return your child's named checklist by Friday 29th November. The Eco Committee will then complete a quick and easy online impact survey using the checklists that they receive back. Our results will be entered into a prize draw to win a mural for our school, created by a talented artist. Two winning schools will be selected. We have included a handy QR code which will take you directly to the Eco Schools website where you can find further information as well as an introductory video. You can update your class teacher and the Eco Committee of your child's progress throughout November via Class Dojo and they will of course be awarded with Eco Dojo points for their hard work!
Raise awareness, change behaviours and Cut Your Carbon!
Cut Your Carbon Eco Tip

Term 6 2023/24

This year we have participated in Just One Tree and helped to combat climate change and biodiversity loss by raising money to plant trees around the world. We raised £126 which meant that 126 trees were planted in countries like Brazil, Nepal and Kenya. We have participated in the RSPB’S Big Schools’ Birdwatch to track the birds in our school grounds. Some children continued with this at home and engaged with the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch. Our Sensory Garden has been given another overhaul by Miss G and her lunch time helpers and we are now harvesting food that has been used for our school dinners. Please do take the time to have a peek over the fence and see for yourselves how hard they have been working to create an inviting and nurturing space. We have also participated in Duracell’s Big Battery Hunt and have saved over 7,000 batteries from ending up in landfill. This is a tremendous achievement, especially considering that we are a smaller school compared to others. It has been wonderful to see such a huge amount of effort at home and in school towards our shared goal of protecting the planet.  We are now in the process of updating our Eco Schools application and we will know whether we have been successful when we return in September. 

Term 3 2023/24

This term we participated in the RSPB’s Big School’s Birdwatch.

Year R made bird feeders using cereal and fruit which they hung up around our school grounds.


Year 1 took part by counting the birds that they could landing in our school grounds during Forest School. Miss Seymour uploaded the results and the children received a certificate.

Term 1 2023/24

This term we have been very excited to welcome 8 new children to their roles on our Eco committee.

The new eco committee kicked off their role by helping to organise our fundraiser day for Just One Tree. We raised around £125 and for every £1 raised, the charity promised to plant a tree somewhere around the world. Trees help to reduce carbon emissions whilst also providing food and shelter for people and animals alike. Across the school, each class participated in activities to learn about trees and to appreciate the wonderful and important part they play in our eco system.

A message from Just One Tree:

Thank you so much for supporting JUST ONE TREE so that together we can combat climate change and biodiversity loss. Your school’s ‘forest’ now stands at 126 trees and will continue to grow each time you join us. Every £1 really does make a difference, so thank you, we really do appreciate it. Your tree purchase will be supporting a reforestation project in one of the following countries: Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya or Zambia. Because of your school, 126 seeds will be chosen and planted by our partners in one of their nurseries. Once the next rainy season is upon us, your seedlings will be transported to their carefully selected new homes, where they will be planted and nurtured over the coming years. Your school’s forest of 126 trees will remove approximately 38.81 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over the next 25 years.

Just One Tree Certificate