Ditton Infant School

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Family Support

All staff and governors are committed to ensuring that children are happy to come to school, thrive when they are in school and go home keen to return the next day.  Children who have high levels of wellbeing are likely to be more ready to learn and make progress.

We have a dedicated, therapeutic environment and a well-trained team of staff to support the emotional needs of the children and families at Ditton Infant School.

Mrs Boxall (Inclusion Manager) leads our Wellbeing Team.  She is supported by Miss Davis (Inclusion, Attendance and Family Support Officer).

We use the Leuven scales to monitor children’s wellbeing and involvement and we have a ‘worry box’ in the hall which all children are able to access.

Interventions we can offer are:

Sand Therapy
Drawing & Talking Therapy
Lego Therapy
Involvement Groups


Emotional support can also be offered for bereavement, separation and divorce and other personal and social difficulties.

Children will be offered a programme of sessions on a bespoke basis, these can be short term or for extended periods.

For further information, please contact the School Office.


Parent Workshop Resilience Jan 2022


In July 2022 we were presented with the School Award for Resilience and Wellbeing in partnership with KCC and NHS.

Please see our events page for a photo of the presentation.

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