Ditton Infant School

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School Meals


School Meals / Packed Lunch

As of September 2014, the government introduced free school meals for all Key Stage 1 children.  Each day a choice of hot meals is offered as well as a choice of dessert. Children also take their drink bottles to the hall for lunch.


If your child would prefer to bring a packed lunch, please do not include fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets, although a chocolate biscuit snack is allowed e.g Penguin bar.  We also ask that no squeezy yoghurts are sent in as these can be extremely messy!  As we have children who suffer from anaphylactic shock through nut allergy, we also ask that no foods containing nuts are included in packed lunches. 


A new menu will be available at the beginning of September and we will send a copy home with your child during the first week.  This is updated seasonally and will be added to the school website.

 Autumn Winter Menu 2024


Snacks / Milk

The children are not allowed to bring sweets or snacks to school but a piece of fruit (in its natural state e.g. no products such as fruit winders) or vegetable is allowed for morning break time.  The school is part of the government’s “free fruit for schools” scheme and fruit is available for all children at playtime or as a fruit break in the afternoon.

Ditton Infant School is also part of the Cool Milk scheme and you will find a letter with further details in your pack.



Children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day and especially after PE activity, break times and in hot weather.

Children should bring in their own named bottle daily, filled with fresh water only - no flavoured water or squash allowed. Water with slices of fresh fruit inside is permitted.  (Bottles with sports tops are easier for the children to manage)  Bottles should go home each night to be washed.