Ditton Infant School

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School Uniform

At Ditton Infant School we believe that our uniform fosters a pride in personal appearance and a sense of belonging to the school.  Our colour combination is yellow and grey and individual items including non-logo'd sweatshirts and cardigans can be purchased from stores or supermarkets.

School Uniform Required

Sweatshirts and cardigans with the school logo and book bags can be purchased from the school office at cost and you will find an order form with your admissions pack.

Short or long grey trousers

Grey pinafore dress, skirt or trousers

Gold/yellow polo shirt/blouse

Grey jumper/cardigan or school sweatshirt/cardigan

Summer dresses in yellow stripe, checked or plain material

Black, grey or white socks/tights


Footwear Required

Shoes with high heels are not suitable for school wear nor are open toe sandals without socks. We ask that until children can tie their own laces, shoes are either slip ons or fastened by velcro.


PE Kit Required

Black shorts

Pair of plimsolls (not trainers please)

The school will provide a coloured t-shirt for PE in one of our house colours.  Please see form in pack with further information.


Additional Items Required

A warm coat or waterproof jacket for winter

A pair of Wellington boots to be kept at school


Every item should be clearly marked with your child’s name please (even shoes and wellingtons, as items do sometimes go missing)


Forest School Clothing Required

Forest School Inspired Learning is a long-term outdoor programme of activities delivered by school staff who have received outdoor training within a natural environment and whatever the weather! Our programme will be tailored to meet the needs of the children as they grow in confidence, skills and understanding.  

Clothing:  It is important that all children and staff have appropriate clothing suitable for all weather conditions.  The adult running the session will ensure that they carry items of spare clothing in the kit bags. If any child is considered inappropriately dressed for being outdoors and alternative clothing cannot be found in school that child will remain in school.

Winter Summer

Vest or T-shirt

Long sleeved top


Tracksuit bottoms/leggings

Waterproof coat and trousers or puddle suit


Hat, gloves and scarf


T-shirt or top

Light trousers/leggings



Trainers, shoes or Wellies

Children can also provide their own sunscreen



Watches may be worn.  Smart watches or similar are not permitted.

Only small stud earrings should be worn and these should be removed on PE/Forest School Inspired Learning days.

No other jewellery should be worn including bracelets, necklaces etc.  If this presents as a problem you are invited in to speak to the Headteacher